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Lois Maharg wrote a new post, Herbals for Insomnia? Now You Can Test Them at Home, on the site Vitality Advocates 7 years, 8 months ago
Herbal remedies for insomnia are abundant online—valerian, hops, and chamomile, among the most common. Tested against placebo, none has been found to be definitively effective for insomnia. Yet some medicinal h
Lois Maharg wrote a new post, Exercise Improves Sleep, Preserves Mental Fitness, on the site Vitality Advocates 7 years, 9 months ago
You may have been a couch potato for most of your life, but now, if you’re middle-aged and envisioning a healthy retirement, you’d better change your ways.
Moderate-to-vigorous exercise can mitigate som
Lois Maharg wrote a new post, Prebiotics Improve Stress Resilience and Sleep, on the site Vitality Advocates 7 years, 12 months ago
Is stress the driver of your insomnia? Eating more high fiber foods—sometimes called prebiotics (different from probiotics)—may help both your stomach and your sleep.
In a new study on rats con -
Lois Maharg wrote a new post, What’s That Antidepressant Doing to Your Sleep?, on the site Vitality Advocates 8 years, 5 months ago
Antidepressants are the third most commonly taken medication in the United States today, prescribed for depression and health problems such as insomnia, pain, anxiety, headaches, and digestive disorders.
Lois Maharg wrote a new post, What’s That Antidepressant Doing to Your Sleep?, on the site Submit to Vitality Publications 8 years, 5 months ago
Antidepressants are the third most commonly taken medication in the United States today, prescribed for depression and health problems such as insomnia, pain, anxiety, headaches, and digestive disorders.
Lois Maharg wrote a new post, Overcoming Insomnia at the Approach of Summer, on the site Vitality Advocates 8 years, 8 months ago
It happens every year in the spring: someone writes in to The Savvy Insomniac complaining of an inexplicable onset of insomnia. No stress is involved, no abrupt change in circumstances.
Here’s how a re
Lois Maharg wrote a new post, Protein-Rich Dieting Helps Sleep, on the site Vitality Advocates 8 years, 9 months ago
I’m not going to plug the high protein diet as the surest path to weight loss (although some say it is). But I do want to pass on the news that going on a high protein diet may be a path to better sleep, e
Lois Maharg wrote a new post, Tart Cherries: Helpful to Sleep, on the site Vitality Advocates 8 years, 9 months ago
First, the good news: a small body of research suggests that tart cherry juice holds promise as an alternative treatment for insomnia, especially in older adults.
Now for the bad news: tart cherry
Lois Maharg changed their profile picture 8 years, 9 months ago