We want to be super healthy, and we strive for it. The problem of striving and what would it be like if we removed the striving, and found compassion instead?
The Many Health Benefits of Bone Broth for Digestion, Arthritis, and Cellulite
, , 1_Original, NutritionHave you heard of bone broth? With it's many health benefits, it’s starting to become the next health food craze. Benefits support digestive, immune, muscular skeletal, hair, skin and nails. Bone broth reduces joint pain and inflammation as well as calms the mind and promotes sleep. Find out more and how to make this delicious and nutritious broth.
It seems like doctors, nutritionists, scientists, and other health experts are always at odds over the optimal diet. Should we be eating Paleo or vegan? What about raw or cooked food? Are carbs or fat the next “untouchables”? Are we avoiding gluten, dairy, sugar, or all three? The list of questions goes on and on… However, there are two things that seems to be a mainstay in every recommended diet, and that all health experts seem to agree are an...
Is there a link Between Protein Consumption and Sleep Quality?
Is the popular Paleo Diet based on historically accurate facts? Dr. Christina Warinner, a Harvard educated Ph.D. is an expert on ancient diets. She challenges this modern diet fad and her results might surprise you.
I’ve always been allergic to dogma. In any institutional setting – educational, religious, medical, and most definitely, airport! – I find myself developing hives and hot flashes whenever I need to follow rules that make no sense. I made a beeline to self-employment. To me, rules for rules sake tend to represent, at their core, a fear-based attachment to “safety”